We make it easy!
Customer Service Team
Immediate responses!
We support you with industry leading customer service.
HUD counseling veterans assist your team through virtual calls, chat and email.
Responses in 30 minutes or less!
HUD 9902
We make the process of documenting outcomes and 9902 submissions simple.
Our team works with your agency for a successful 9902 submission.
Just click the 'Submit' Button.
eHome America
Seamlessly import eHome America clients directly into mPact Pro®.
No more dual data input.
Capture education outcomes and begin a counseling session.
Client Self- Signup Portal
Host the form on your website or email the link.
Get notified via email when the client has completed the form.
Save data input time!
Working alongside your current systems...
As a fully HUD compliant CMS system many of our customers integrate mPact Pro with their current software system to electronically submit the 9902 to the HCS system.
Additional options for customized reporting and import workflows make our system a great software partner for your organization.

Create a client in seconds.
Client Portal

Counselor Input

eHome Import

Simple Counseling and Education Workflows
Intuitive Client Dashboard
Easily document your counseling sessions and education workshops.
A simple, modern user-friendly experience.

Easily Review & Submit
HCS 9902 Data Validation

How it Works
An online resource developed for housing counseling agencies to better prepare clients for homeownership.
HomeCoach gives clients the confidence to move forward with lenders.
It performs a 'soft-pull' of credit through the agency's credit vendor.
The Feedback Certificate provides specific areas for counseling a client to become 'Mortgage Ready'.